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The Central Bank Takes “System of Put on Records” Pilots for Enterprise Bank Accounts

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2018-06-28 Browse:2418

In June 11, , the reporter learnt from the People’s Bank of China that from now on, pilot project will be carried out to cancel the issuance of enterprise bank account opening licenses in Taizhou city, Jiangsu Province and Taizhou city, Zhejiang Province.  

Concerned people of People’s Bank of China Nanjing Branch says, basic deposit accounts which are opened in commercial banks in Taizhou city, Jiangsu Province by legal representatives, unincorporated enterprises and individual businesses, have been adjusted from approval system to system of put on records. The local branch of the People’s bank of China will not issue Licenses for Opening Accounts when enterprises are opening basic deposit accounts. Enterprises can run relevant bank account business by basic deposit account number instead of original basic deposit account grant number. Also subsequent changes and withdrawal accounts are adjusted from approval system to system of put on records, and approval by People’s Bank of China Branch is no needed. However, basic deposit accounts which are opened before trial remain primary management model.

Reporter learnt that since December 1, the Central Bank will add improvement account management agreement, authentication type and strength management of “public to private”, improve processing mechanism of abnormal circumstance and enhance cancellation management in pilot areas.

As supporting measures in pilot areas, the Central Bank has established a series of management measures before, during and after account opening. For example, the bank carries out the visa interview program for enterprise to open the basic deposit account. when the enterprise applies for opening basic deposit account, two bankers should witness legal representatives of enterprises or heads of units to sign in account opening application form and bank settlement account management agreement together, and preserve video, studio and other materials of signing; relying on RMB bank settlement account management system, the banker checks the uniqueness of enterprise’s basic deposit account and compliance as well as completeness of account opening information, take on-site inspection and non-routine examination for bank account management, and handle infraction.

Industries think that taking “system of put on records” pilots for enterprise bank accounts will gather experience for further reformation of bank account management system. By doing this, it will be convenient for enterprises to open accounts, improve business situation, benefit to bank business innovation and improve the effectiveness of supervision to bank accounts.