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Loving Donation vs. Ruthless Typhoon

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2017-08-28 Browse:2524

Huijin Technology donated a batch of materials to Zhuhai Charity Foundation on August 25 for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.

Typhoon Columba slammed into the coastal areas in Zhuhai on August 23, sweeping trees uprooted in downtown and hitting the city destructively. After the disaster the whole of the city quickly started restoration and reconstruction. Huijin Technology made immediate response and got aware through Zhuhai Charity Foundation that towels and water are in urgent need at the front line due to hot weather. Executives of the company gave instructions quickly and made efforts to have purchased and offered a batch of towels and drinking water as soon as possible.  

As a native-growing enterprise, Huijin Technology has been operated for twelve years in Zhuhai. Over these years Huijin Technology has been developed along with the city, witnessing it becoming more and more beautiful and livable, and also been closely attached to it. Huijin Technology always actively organizes employees to participate in diverse public benefit activities and develops staff's affection and responsibility for the communities based on the corporate value of "developing business and benefiting staff to create value and repay society", building an atmosphere of thanksgiving culture and taking practical action to return the communities.

 Loving Heart vs. Ruthless Disaster Huijin Technology works to participate in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction to get through the hardship along with the communities. 

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